Site to Site VPN Using Certificates. 03/26/2020 832 13746. DESCRIPTION: Using digital certificates for authentication instead of pre-shared keys in a site-to-site VPN configuration is considered more secure. This KB article describes the method to configure a site-to-site VPN using digital certificates.
Near the bottom of the edit screen, there is a "User Certificates" section. Click the + sign in there. Change the method to "Choose an existing certificate" and select the certificate that you just created. Exporting the OpenVPN config. Now that you've associated the certificate with a user, go to VPN -> OpenVPN. To obtain a.cer file from the certificate, open Manage user certificates. Locate the self-signed root certificate, typically in 'Certificates - Current User\Personal\Certificates', and right-click. Click All Tasks, and then click Export. This opens the Certificate Export Wizard. Sep 25, 2015 · The server certificate is used for encrypting SSL VPN traffic and will be used for authentication. Go to System > Certificates and select Import > Local Certificate. Set Type to Certificate, choose the Certificate file and the Key file for your certificate, and enter the Password. If desired, you can also change the Certificate Name. If you take a look at the certificate tab of the DiskStation’s security setting, you will see that your new server certificate is active. 6. Install the VPN Server. Install the VPN Server from Synology’s Package Center. Its configuration is done from the start menu. 7. Configure the VPN Server. Enable OpenVPN from the Settings of the VPN
Use the following steps to configure the native Windows VPN client for certificate authentication: Select the VPN client configuration files that correspond to the architecture of the Windows computer. For a 64-bit processor architecture, choose the 'VpnClientSetupAmd64' installer package.
Jun 27, 2018 · Click the Certificate signing requests tab. Right-click the server certificate and then click Sign. The Create x509 Certificate window opens. In the Signing section under the Source tab, select Use this Certificate for signing and then select the root certificate from the drop-down menu. Click OK to sign the certificate. Right-click Virtual Private Network (VPN) Connections, and click Properties. Click the Constraints tab, and click Authentication Methods. In EAP Types, click Microsoft: Protected EAP (PEAP), and click Edit. Record the values for Certificate issued to and Issuer. You use these values in the upcoming VPN template configuration.
This is a result of OpenVPN storing the certificate in Windows’ certificate store, which can be done using TLS 1.1 (depricated) or TLS 1.2 (safe, at the time of writing). Because this version of cryptoapicert in OpenVPN does not support TLS 1.2 and newer, TLS 1.1 is used, which is not so safe but safer than storing the certificate in plain text.
You should follow an enrollment procedure: Initialize the PKCS#11 token. Generate RSA key pair on the PKCS#11 token. Create a certificate request based on the key pair, you can use OpenSC and OpenSSL in order to do that. Submit the certificate request to a certificate authority, and receive a